Our Impact

Contributing to a better future for Australian’s.

Oral health is fundamental to overall health, general well-being and quality of life. Poor oral health – dental caries, gum disease and tooth loss – can significantly compromise a person’s ability to eat, speak, sleep, socialise confidently and work productivity as a result of pain, discomfort or embarrassment.

Poor oral health outcomes are more frequently experienced by our most disadvantaged where difficult access to a dentist delays treatment and often creates serious pain, infection and even hospitalisation.

The Australian Dental Foundation has so far provided a value of over $6.6 million worth of dental services to help prevent oral disease and improve the oral health and quality of life of Australians.

Through our programs and public education, we are making a life-long impact, supporting and empowering over 40,000 Australians and that of their families, to take care of their oral health and lead happier, healthier lives.

Today and every day, we break down the barriers to oral health created by social and economic disadvantage, actively servicing over 900 sites in regional, remote, and metropolitan areas across the nation.