What is Smile Friendly?


Smile Friendly is a partnership that recognises and rewards your commitment to improving oral health in our community.
It encourages us all to do more by involving our people in spreading the word and expanding services to reach those who need it most. Together we want to educate and inform Australians about the importance of oral health and regular dental care.
We can do this by educating teachers, students and families at our schools, educating staff working in residential aged care; proudly displaying our commitment to better oral health; keeping oral health front-of-mind.
By becoming a Smile Friendly facility you will have access to extra support and resources from Australian Dental Foundation.


How much does it cost?

The Smile Friendly Partnership Program is at no cost to your school or facility. We want to recognise your commitment to good oral health and work with you towards a decay-free future.


Who is eligible to join?

Schools, preschools, kindergartens, early learning centres, childcare centres and aged care facilities which meet our criteria and who are committed to better oral health.


How often do we need to renew our Smile Friendly partnership?

We’ll check in with you each year to make sure we’re both on track and see what more support we can provide.


How often will the Smile Friendly team visit us for an oral health presentation?

At least once a year and in the meantime, you can access the online training modules for new staff, teachers and students. We’ll also visit at least once a year to provide dental services.


What will our students receive?

Students have access to oral health care packs and age-appropriate resources, such as activity books, brushing charts, online learning modules.


Where can I find out more information?

Speak to one of our team members via phone or email – Contact us here